Regular wellness visits to the vet is a vital part of keeping your pet’s health in an optimum condition. If you are in need of preventative wellness programs in the Moncton, Riverview, and Dieppe area for your pets, Maritime Animal Hospital is the right place to come to. Our highly skilled veterinarians and compassionate care team gather all the required information about your pets and let you know about their overall health and necessary precautions to be taken. We also provide nutritional counselling, customized weight loss programs and behavioural counselling services.
Our comprehensive wellness programs include complete physical exams. During this process, we measure your pet’s overall health and develop personalized vaccination programs. From puppy and kitten programs to senior health care, all our wellness programs are specifically designed to keep your pet healthier and happier. We also offer flea and tick prevention, deworming programs and microchipping services. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

Give your puppy a healthy start with our puppy wellness program. We offer this program to give your puppy all the benefits of veterinary services.
Our puppy wellness program consists of:
Two to three visits with full examinations
Series of vaccinations
DA2PcPv (Distemper, Adenovirus-2, Parainfluenza & Parvovirus)
Bordetella bronchiseptica (kennel cough)
A puppy kit on the first visit consisting of all kinds of information for your new addition to the family
Discussions with your veterinarian about deworming, house training, diets, fleas, spaying and neutering, pet insurance and more

Give your kitten a healthy start with our kitten wellness program. This program helps in giving your kitten all the benefits of veterinary services.
Our kitten wellness program consists of:
Two to three visits with full physical examinations
Series of vaccinations
Complimentary nail trims on each kitten visit
A kitten kit on the first visit consisting of all kinds of information for your new addition to the family
Discussions with your veterinarian about deworming, house training, diets, fleas, spaying and neutering, petinsurance

At Maritime Animal Hospital, we care for your furry adult friends too. We recommend an annual examination with corresponding vaccines to keep your adult pet healthy.
Our adult wellness program consists of:
Annual wellness examination from head to tail
Dental care
Parasite control
Body condition scoring
In this era of medical advancement, our veterinarians and care team are constantly trained on new medical procedures and techniques. We strongly believe and work towards preventative maintenance as it is always better to nip off the symptom or illness in the bud before it becomes big.

At Maritime Animal Hospital, we like to celebrate our senior patients. Various problems tend to sneak up once our pets start aging. As we can do an annual preventative medicine checkup, we will be able to detect most of the diseases at an early stage and they can be treated or corrected to prolong your cat or dog’s life.
Our senior wellness program consists of:
A full physical examination
Blood work to check red and white blood cells, platelets, kidney and liver enzymes, thyroid values and electrolytes
Our veterinarians perform these diagnostic tests in order to analyze your pet’s health and prescribe the best course of action to be taken.

Optimal dental health and wellness of your pet are very important and at Maritime Animal Hospital, we understand it very well. Dental diseases are very common among both cats and dogs, and they can occur at any age and apart from their teeth, it also affects their overall health including the heart. It can also affect us as we tend to be close to our fur babies and we end up breathing in the bacteria.
Give your pet a fighting chance against oral diseases by adhering to oral preventative practices like brushing their teeth daily, looking at their teeth often and providing them with dental chews. Having dental surgery performed once or twice a year may be what your pet needs.